ResQ - Maersk Training
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ResQ is now Maersk Training - same ordering process. Same good service. 
ResQ is now Maersk Training - same ordering process. Same good service.


Most businesses wish to be a safe workplace, offering first aid courses to employees is one way to increase safety. Knowing that most workplaces are different from one another, we want to contribute by creating first aid courses tailored to our various customers. Here, you will find various course modules that offer options for your business. Choose what is relevant and necessary for your employees to learn about first aid. For example, it is not necessary for all workplaces to know how to treat patients who have been exposed to electrical accidents. Therefore, we want you to be able to choose the content of your course yourself. We recommend that everyone chooses the basic package and then adds additional packages based on the needs of their workplace.

If you have questions about how to put together this package, feel free to call our switchboard. Our course coordinators are a fantastic resource to our customers and are available to help you find your exact need.

Switchboard: (+47 417 55 000)

English courses

Basic First Aid Refresher Course

Norwegian courses

2 Blødninger - Tilleggskurs til grunnpakken Førstehjelp
Akutte sykdommer - Tilleggskurs til grunnpakken førstehjelp
Førstehjelp grunnkurs
Førstehjelp repetisjonskurs